adventures in thrifting and other small town pleasures

  • Biggleswade, Beds

    To the far East of my home county, and a rainy morning in Biggleswade; a perfect example of a very ordinary small town that turns out to be A-grade vintage mooch territory. More by luck than judgement, I found a nifty little space at the small but perfectly formed Mill Lane car park, where you…

  • Thame, Oxon

    Taking a westerly direction from home on a drizzly Saturday, we journeyed to the entirely pleasant market town of Thame, 13 miles East of Oxford and 10 miles beyond Aylesbury. We parked up at the Cattle Market car park – adjacent to which weekly (and not very vegan-friendly) livestock auctions still take place – and…

  • Olney, Bucks

    A small but perfectly formed little Georgian market town, famed for its annual pancake race and the origins of a very famous hymn, Olney proudly promotes itself as a great place to visit – and even has its very own website with the purpose of doing just that. It was a blue-skyed sunny winter day…

  • Settle, North Yorks

    In which we head for the beautiful Yorkshire Dales, for a meet-up with the Northern rellies, pausing on the way for a cheeky mooch in the delightful market town of Settle. We parked in what appears to be the main car park, Ashfield, parting with a very reasonable £3.20 for up to four hours. From…

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